In a couple of days, it’s going to January 1st. Most of us view that date as a clean slate to start over fresh for the New Year.
The #1 New Year’s Resolution in America is to lose weight.
After the fabulous foods of the holiday season, it only makes sense that we are sick of eating junk and gaining weight and are ready to make a change.
As we know, most people don’t keep their New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, a study done by the University of Scranton concluded that only 8% of people keep their resolutions!
I believe the most important reason why people don’t keep their resolutions that “their why” isn’t great enough.
Your purpose for “why” you want to achieve that goal has to be greater than your circumstances.
We all know life isn’t easy or predictable. One day or another, “life” will happen and our schedule will have to be altered. That’s when our goals for the New Year are tested.
Let’s look at 2 different people and see how their results will measure up:
Person #1 Why-lose 10 pounds for the New Year
Person #2 Why-Lose 10 lbs for the New Year because you have a history of diabetes in your family and want to be around for a long time for your family
Circumstances-Long day at the office and didn’t get enough sleep
Choice #1-get in a workout and make a healthy dinner at home
Choice #2- Pick up fast food, workout “tomorrow,” and crash on the couch
If I was person #1, I would choose option #2. It’s so much easier to pick up fast food, relax, and focus on my goals tomorrow. But, person #2’s decision will likely be different because it’s based on how long he’s going to be around for his family. It goes from what’s comfortable to no longer having an option. One goal motivates me and forces me to take action. The other allows me to “feel good” about attempting to better myself without taking action. That’s the difference between a wish and a goal.
Take a moment and write down your “Why” for your health and fitness goals for the New Year. If it’s hard for you to figure out, think about how your life would be different if you achieved and stuck to these goals.Here are some things below to get you started:
–Having more energy to play with your kids and being more present with them.
–The confidence you feel from being able to fit into that dress or pair of pants that sit in the back of your closet that you thought could never fit into again.
–Achieving a fitness goal like having the strength to perform a chin-up or endurance to compete and finish a 10K that helps you recapture your youth.
–Not allowing yourself to be a statistic and get diabetes like others in your family history and be around longer for your loved ones.
If you are serious about your “Why” for the New Year and are looking for a PROVEN SOLUTION on how you can achieve it, I want to invite you to sign up for your free Accelerated Results Session with me. We will go over your goals, help you develop your why, go through a detailed movement evaluation to determine the right exercises for your goals, and help you chose the right program that will best help you reach your goals.
If you are serious about making this year different and wanting a positive change for your health and wellness, get started today by clicking on the link below.